tarmac front driveway clitheroe lancashire01

Landscaping in Preston

Take a look at what the householders of Preston are asking us recently for their Gardens / Landscaping: 1 Thanks again for sorting out our ash tree yesterday. I gave you a 5 star review on Google. I have another property and another company have let me down as I was surprised that they weren`t…

tarmac front driveway clitheroe lancashire09

Quotes with Photos

if you want us to give you advice / help / quotes its sometimes helps if you can send a photo to us (via email or whatsapp) and that will allow us to see what you are referring to and will help us understand what is needed, here is an example where photos helped us…

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New Landscaped Garden

For this landscaping project we had to remove all trees with the roots and all the bushes that were in the garden.These were all disposed off in a professional manner. The old turf was removed and replaced with grade A topsoil. The old fence panels to the back and side of the garden were all…

Landscaping Myths

In each industry there is a dark corner that everyone tries to avoid and this is where the company myths (that seems to circulate continuously no matter how hard anyone tries to debunk them) live. Here at Stone Made Drives, we aren’t only known for our driveway services and we think that it’s time to…